PoE Enrollment User Guide

Quick Start Guide

Governor DAO Proof of Existence Portal

Quick Start Guide

Version 1.2 Date: 05 April 2022

This Guide will assist with:

  1. Enrollment (PoE token assignment)

  2. Claim your free NFT on Mainnet

  3. Join our “Humans Only” Telegram Group on Mainnet

PoE Portal URLs

  1. PoE Enrollment Portal on Mainnet https://onlyoneme.governordao.org

  2. Mint a PoE token on Mainnet https://passport.governordao.org

Governor DAO Contract Addresses

Ethereum Mainnet

  • GDAO Token Contract: 0x515d7e9d75e2b76db60f8a051cd890eba23286bc

  • PoE Token Contract: 0x5945bAF9272e0808165aDea61b932eC1604FB161

Instructions to Enroll

The following guide details instructions on how to participate in the Governor DAO enrollment process hosted on the Ethereum 'Mainnet' network via a PC or mobile.


The enrollment works on both PC and Mobile but there are known issues with MetaMask Mobile detailed in the troubleshooting guide.

Connect Wallet and Network

Connect ‘Metamask’ or ‘WalletConnect

A warning will display if your wallet is connected to the wrong network.

  • The 'Human Chat' Telegram chat has been migrated to Mainnet with a link appearing on the website once a PoE token has been minted on Mainnet

If this is your first time, the “Status of VIP enrollment:” will be ‘Unenrolled’ or ‘Unknown’ (if the wallet isn’t connected).

Start Enrollment

Once you’ve successfully connected your wallet you can now start the Enrollment process.

If you want to make sure your camera is lined up with your face, click “Start Preview.” The red dot will flash and you can position yourself so that your face lines up within the oval.

Important NOTE:

  • If you appear frozen, i.e. your camera is not tracking your movement, there could be an issue with your webcam. Also, a common issue when using mobile phones (see note at the beginning of the section).

  • Check to ensure that lighting conditions are suitable. If there are shadows or the room has mixed light, the capture may fail.

  • Check to ensure that the audio is clear.

Once you are ready, click ‘Start Enrollment’ to start the enrollment process.

NOTE – you will need to say the following phrase a total of 3 times, stating the phrase once per instance – "The best things in life will always be free"

Be sure to look at the camera and then you will have about 5 seconds to say the phrase each time.

After about 5 seconds the recording will stop and prompt you to ‘continue enrollment’ for a further 2 times.

While recording, a flashing red blinker will appear in the top right corner of the template.

After the 3rd recording, a message will be displayed up to 60 seconds later with one of the two messages.

- ‘Congratulations! You have successfully authenticated

- "Unfortunately, your enrollment did not process completely. Please try again:"

On success, the following heading will be updated ‘Status of VIP enrollment: Enrolled

PoE Token Assignment

NOTE: Once Say-Tec registration is complete, a PoE token can be minted from the following page, which will cost a small gas fee to complete the transaction. An automated process runs every 4 hours which collects new enrolments and authorizes the new wallet to mint a PoE token.

Once the PoE token has been minted, access to the 'Humans only' Telegram group can be accessed from a link that is displayed on detection of the PoE token on https://OnlyOneMe.governordao.org.

Verifying Enrollment Later

Once your enrollment has been successful, you can return at any time to the PoE Enrollment Portal to verify that your enrollment is functioning.

When an enrolled user returns to the PoE Enrollment Portal, a green ‘Start Validation’ button will appear instead of an option to ‘Start Enrollment.

To validate your registration only capture will be requested as well as video under the normal expected conditions.

  • Start Validation’ – States a wallet has been detected with biometrics registered.

  • Start Enrollment’ – States a wallet connected but no biometrics registered, pending an enrollment.

Claiming your Free NFT on Mainnet

Prerequisites to claim your free NFT:

  • Successfully enroll and claim your PoE token

  • Purchase or hold 50+ GDAO or xGDAO on Mainnet

  • Claim your free NFT from the following website URL

Confirm you’ve successfully enrolled and a PoE token has been assigned (completed the steps previously to enroll).


Join Human Telegram Group on Mainnet

Once you have enrolled and minted your PoE token, you can join our GDAO “Humans Only” Telegram Group on Mainnet.

Note: You must use the link provided by the PoE Enrollment Portal webpage only! Other links will not work!

The link to join the "Humans Only" Telegram group will only appear when you have received a PoE token. The link will appear at the bottom of the authentication page.

Scroll down until you see the option “Join the PoE Telegram Group”

Click ‘Join the PoE Telegram Group

When pasting the link into a browser, check the option to open in Telegram.

Interact with Collab.Land bot in Direct Message (for best results, use Telegram Desktop)

Click on ‘Connect’ and navigate to a browser that has Metamask unlocked and connected on Mainnet

Follow the steps provided to link your Metamask wallet to Collab.Land

You MUST connect with the same wallet you supplied for enrollment. Confirm wallet and ‘Connect’ and ‘Sign

After connection, if the wallet holds a POE token, you will be invited to ‘Join Group’ after being presented with the following message

Click ‘Join Group

If sign-up fails (wrong address, no POE ownership, etc.) then restart the process by clicking on the “Connect” command in the Bot messages. Further attempts to join the group (via the “join group” command) will auto-deny access.

Warning if no PoE token is detected

Unless for reasons stated as follows, the user has lifetime access to the group. Revocation of the token or discretion of admins can result in removal of the user from the group.

Troubleshooting Guide

The following issues may be encountered during PoE enrollment.

1. Ensure there is suitable lighting when recording.

2. Ensure the browser has audio and camera record permissions which will pop up when clicking the ‘Start Enrollment’ button.

3. Successful recording will need to be a combination of both voice and video recording

4. Only one ‘VIP’ enrollment and one wallet can be registered, if a person attempts to register a 2nd wallet, they will experience an enrollment failure. The Say-Tec technology will detect that person's previous enrollment.

5. If any of the 3 recordings required to complete the enrollment differ too much (for example, poor audio quality on one of the recordings), the enrollment will fail. The aim is to record 3 recordings staring into the camera and recording the same catchphrase consistently.

6. If you experience issues while following the above conditions during enrollment, we recommend reaching out to an admin or GDAO Ambassador. As Governor DAO is a consumer of the ‘Say-Tec’ technology, the team can assist with confirming the details have been followed above, but outside that, the Finnovant support team will need to be engaged. In this case, the following information is required:

- ETH wallet address used during registration

- Which browser and version you are using

- What wallet you are using. e.g. Metamask / WalletConnect

- Date / Time of enrollment attempt including time zone

Requesting support

If any issues are experienced with enrollment or website issues, there are several options to source assistance

  • Telegram Community Chat: request an admin in the following GovernorDao Chat https://t.me/GovernorProject

  • Governor DAO Discord: https://discord.gg/MVh5NkN7gt

  • Log a support request through the WordPress form

  • Governor DAO Blog WordPress Live Chat: https://blog.governordao.org/

    • Click on the message bubble at the bottom right corner of the screen

    • When the green icon is lit a live agent is available, a grey icon means the agent is offline

    • If the chat is offline, enter your name and email address and a description of the issue experienced and one of the team will contact you

Known Issues

Issue 1: Nested Camera disabled In MetaMask Mobile

Reported issue with MetaMask mobile due to issues on nested camera access at the OS level Say-Tec software can’t be used in combination with the Governor DAO PoE enrollment process.

Issue 2: NFT can’t be claimed on MetaMask Mobile

Once enrolled, the Say-Tec enrollment can be accessed via Metamask Mobile, but there is an issue with the ‘claim NFT’ button. Please use the same device to claim the NFT that you used to enroll.

Issue 3: Registering on Android with MetaMask via ‘WalletConnect’ integration

As the website has ‘Walletonnect’ integration using browsers like Brave and MetaMask is workable and supported.

  • First, open MetaMask and connect to ‘Mainnet’ network before opening the browser.

  • Open Brave and navigate to the URL, connect wallet and click on ‘start enrollment’

  • A pop-up will appear to approve the use of your camera and mic

  • A silhouette will appear with a red flashing blinker, then the camera will become active, if the camera doesn’t activate Metamask may not be open.

Issue 4: Unable to join Telegram ‘Human Chat’

If the following message is displayed return to the PoE Enrollment Portal to ensure successful enrollment and the Passport Portal to mint your PoE token.

Screenshots Detailing Different States of Registration.

The following details the variations in connectivity and displays

State 1: Wallet Not Connected,

- GDAO balance: null

- VIP enrollment: Unknown

- No PoE token detected

State 2: Wallet Connected

- GDAO Balance displayed

- Say-Tec Status: Enrolled

- No PoE token detected

State 3: Say-Tec Enrolled / PoE token

- GDAO Balance displayed

- VIP Status: Enrolled

- PoE token detected

- Authorized for PoE Telegram Group

- NFT Claim available

State 4: Say-Tec Enrolled / PoE token / No GDAO

- GDAO Balance displayed as: 0

- VIP Status: Enrolled

- PoE token detected

- Authorized for PoE Telegram Group

- NFT Claim available (Not displayed unless 50 + GDAO)

Last updated

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